"Why I Say Autumn" (October 1)


Each day in October, I will be writing a poem on the subjects related to all-things-autumn. Daina has already given me the list of leaves, Halloween decorations, House of Hades (a fantastic Percy Jackson book that's coming out in seven days--but who's counting? My daughter, that's who!), costumes, and trick-or-treating with friends and family. Daina is a self-replenishing bucket of ideas, so I will consult her each day for my writing "assignment." 

Speaking of assignments, who doesn't love a good fall writing prompt--especially those of my writerly friends who are practically freebasing pumpkin spice since it dipped below eighty degrees here in Florida? 

Write with me! Post with me! Let's get our fall on!

Why I Say Autumn

When I say fall,the word semester followswith white rosters lined with spaces for lettersof names I do not know.

Fall comes to close the summer,marking my days donewith its bright red pen,punctuating my pages with percentage signs,which indicate how likely I amto understand what I did wrongand how likely I am to care.

Where autumn puts pumpkins,
fall fills halls with students
who fill the halls in return with unripe words 
like syllabus and registrar
that stick like tahini to their teeth.

Some cannot remember my name,
despite hard efforts.
Others make none.

Too many fall days smell of cold coffee
forgotten in microwaves.
They sound like book sales reps
and emails from IT experts with big words
I don’t want to learn to say.

Fall is a fluorescent flicker,
a ticket under a wiper for a sundried staff sticker.
Every day in October ends up
its own annual cliché.

Autumn gives me a pass on all of fall.
It is rice-paper leaves dried by air
that hits my ears like an Avett Brothers’ song.

I don’t even want to talk about it.

It’s better than any of my poems
will ever be.


  1. Hi Deidre, I was talking about you on a sunset cruise last Saturday evening. Were your ears burning? Janet Place

    1. Janet! It's so good to see you here! I hope the conversation was kind to me, but I can't imagine anything but too-generous words being said on a sunset cruise although I imagine I'd be too relaxed to say anything at all to anyone. :)

  2. The next best thing to being a wonderful poet yourself, is having a wonderful poet as a friend. A wonderful poet friend whose creativity spills over into everything she does. Sigh.


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